As we read God's word and memorize it, we need to be reminded daily that His word is alive and powerful. The world will try to discredit His Word...
Our Quiet Time With God
Hey moms, do you find it hard to have a consistent daily quiet time routine with the Lord? If so, you’re not alone! Now, before you get to hard on yourself, consider what season of life you are in.
How do you pray when you feel blahhh???
When you feel blah, it’s so hard to focus and you easily find yourself daydreaming, and before you know it, the time you set aside to pray is now gone!
Psalms 119:11
I don't know about you, but I have several Bibles in my house. It makes me think of those countries where the Bible is illegal and how believers...
His plans are better than ours
I don’t know if you are like me but I like to have everything mapped and planned out, but I have to trust that His plans are better than our plans will ever be.
Paper Flower Tutorial
[swpm_protected for="3-4" custom_msg='The following content is for Paid Membership. Upgrade your subscription by clicking JOIN NOW to see this...
Do You Need A Miracle?
Do you need a miracle? I don't know about you, but I need a miracle. But before I share what I need, I just want to talk a moment about God's Word....
Good Father
This is me when I was a wee kid with my dad…
I had no fear because I was with my dad and he was like a superhero to me.
That takes Will Power and Discipline! or does it?
"That takes great discipline and will power to lose that much weight." We hear that a lot when people find out how much weight we have lost. The...