Join Us Sunday May 17th 6:00pm
For Virtual Fun and Craziness.
Please connect to the Video chat with a computer or tablet so your phone is available to play games.
Here are the list of games we could play:
Virtual Scavenger Hunt
You have 60 seconds to find objects called out. First person gets 50 points, others get 10 if they find it within the time limit. (Vote for this one, we have some crazy ideas)
A phone game where you compete against others making funny/snarky comments on topics and then having everyone vote on their answers. Max 8 players at once and >8 can participate by voting.
You will be texted a word or phrase and using a virtual word board, you have to draw the statement. First person to guess gets 10 points.
A phone game where you make up answers to questions and people vote on the truth. Max 8 players at once and >8 can participate by voting.
Virtual True Confessions
You have to come up with 2 lies and 1 truth about yourself and convince people about the lie. Everyone gets 10 points for guessing the truth and the player gets 50 points if no one guesses the truth.
You are given a letter and 10 categories and you have to get answers for those categories that start with that letter. Then each person reveals their answer. Each unique answer gets 10 points.
Virtual Trivia
A Trivia generator spits out trivia and you have 60 seconds to guess. 10 points for every correct answer. You will Text me your answer.
Go to the following link to vote for your favorite games and then we will play the top 3-4 games depending on time.
Instructions for Connecting to Video Chat
To join the video conference using your computer click this link.
(NOTE MAC USERS: this program does not work on Safari. It works on Chrome)
If you want to use your smartphone for this video call, you will need to download the app.
Just open up the app and type CCW-GamesNight where it says “enter room name” (no spaces between words)
Links For Our Games
ScavengerHunt: Use your phone and RUN like the wind
Quiplash/Fibbage: Play on our phone
Pictionary: Join the whiteboard here
Scattegories: Your answers HERE
True Confessions: Your answers HERE